Visit from Townsend's Warbler, Winter 2007

Townsend's Warbler dines on a meal worm, 4PM 9 Feb 2007.
Video by Lou Cohen.

The bird arrived in our yard in Cambridge in early January during a January thaw. We fed it with mealworms until early April, at which time the bird ate voriciously for 2 days, sang for the only time we ever heard it, then disappeared.

Townsend's Warbler, taken by Lou Cohen, in our yard around 3PM, 25 January 2007, in Cambridge, Mass.

Townsend's Warbler, taken by Lou Cohen, in our yard around 11:30AM, 29 January 2007, in Cambridge, Mass. Photo taken almost directly into the sun, hence poor color.

Townsend's Warbler, taken by Lou Cohen, in our yard around 4PM, 31 January 2007, in Cambridge, Mass.

Townsend's Warbler, taken by Lou Cohen, in our yard around noon, 1 February 2007, in Cambridge, Mass.

Birders hoping to see warbler, 28 January 2007, in Cambridge, Mass. (Unfortunately the bird did not show up.)

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